First and foremost….. A Selamat Hari Raya shout out to my beloved family, relatives, friends, lecturers, colleagues and students! Happy Eid Mubarak to everyone.. Maaf Zahir Batin~
So yeah peeps, tomorrow is the first of Syawal and as usual, all my relatives are back in Kuala Lipis (except for Mak Long’s family, they’ll arrive later tonight). And as expected from my very oh-so-havoc-and-sporting family members, tonight is a total chaos! Just imagine my Tok Wan, Mummy and aunties nagging everyone to do house chores, my uncles and male supercouzies grabbing tools and started to do God-knows-what to the house, my younger supercouzies running around the house and moi, yours truly, also running around the house, trying to snap candid pictures of what have been happening on this Raya eve (special thankies to my Mak Tam and Cikna for helping this unauthorized mamarazzi.. lol~
Today, the mayhem continued as the families of Mak Teh, Cikna and Pak Anjang arrived with their boys and girl. As usual, everyone was in Raya mood and was helping out with the chores. House was cleaned, delicious dishes were cooked and last minute decoration was done to the house. After breaking fast, we prayed together, lead by Abi and then we perform the Takbir. Undoubtedly, family bonds were tightened and all of us were, as the cliché phrase goes; spreading the love! Yeah baby! Muahaha~ So, below are the pictures that my mamarazzi crew and I managed to snap up until now.
Pak De~ The busiest person everytime Raya comes...
Naja... Trying to hang the decoration lights~
And when you can't do it..... ask your father to continue......
and you can play with the lights instead.. lol~
Ladies of the house~
Mak Tam, Cikna and Supercouzie Ahda cleaning the hall... Posing je snanye.. haha..
Father and son team... Pak De & Naja..
Fixing a table~
Ahda and I.... Choosing the tableware to use for Raya~
Naja & I~
Preparing for buka puasa~
Supersisters Aqila & Farah~
Susun kuih raye... Nyum2~
Haaaaa... Tak puase!
My Supermom!
Supreme Duo! Pak De & Mak De preparing grilled fish!
The head chef!
Handing over the job to Abi~
And Abi was left alone... muahahahaha..... NOT!
This picture's taken by Cikna... his beloved wifey~
The result!
Goreng pisang~~
Tok Wan: Laaa~ Yang kat dalam kuali pun nak ambik gambar jugak? LOL!~
Ribena.... Me favourite!
Rendang ayam~
Goreng pisang yg bukan dalam kuali,, hihi~
Pau goreng inti kacang merah~ Sedap woooo~~~
Batang Keramat... and NO! I'm not joking.. it really is the name! Scary~~~~
Look at that! It took more than 1 hour to fold those clothes!
Introducing another one of my cute little supercouzie...
Wan Mohd Rayyan Haziq! You just wanna pinch those cheeks!
Hearing tazkirah from Tok Latif...
Tu la.... sape suruh tak buat keje.. kan dah kene sound!~
My supergrandad, Tok Latif with Rayyan!
Buka puasa time! The guys~
Lapar benor sampai tak nampak camera!~
The ladies~ Mcm ni la baru sporting!
Our clothes matched!
Rayyan pun nak solat jugak?
Angelic little supercouzies... Mia & Najla~
Maghrib together~ lead by Abi
Mak Tam pinjam anak Mak Teh~ Raees~~
Rayyan couldn't resist the big botol susu!!! Hee~
Waiting for Isyak~
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