Monday, 13 July 2009

A VERY 'Manglish' Conversation Part 1~

Before you guys continue reading this post, I just want to say that this post may be fun for some people to read while some will not even understand the purpose of me posting it here. Some…. may just feel lost while reading it and I bet some of you already are~ LOL!

I had just finished sending my first draft of the first chapter of my dissertation this morning when my baby sis buzzed me! After a long sleepless night writing an academic essay, my sister was totally the saviour of my day! It has been a while since I chatted with her and so we spent hours talking about almost everything. After the chat, I felt FRESH!!! I read my conversation with my sis again after that when I realized that our conversation was rather interesting and so….. I decided to post the whole conversation here.

Let me just give you guys some intro before you continue reading. I am the eldest in my siblings and I have two younger sisters, Khalilah and Khalisyah. The fact that all of us are girls, all three of us are really, really close with each other and we share almost everything. We are/were students at Main Convent, Ipoh which is obviously a girls school. The fact that it is a school in Ipoh, majority of the students are Chinese and so, we speak fluent Manglish!!! LOL!!~~ Not to say that it is a bad thing. I, myself speak Manglish in school and I think it’s COOL! So, be prepared~~~ because the conversation between me and my baby sis, Khalisyah below are purely in Manglish! I know it sounds weird as I am a Malay and will be a future English teacher but this is me and this is how we talk~~

WARNING: The conversation below is 100% ungrammatical and is strictly wrong to be used in any formal occasions. There might also be some parts that will make no sense to some of you. Note that this conversation is also between sisters who share similar interests and are dangerously open towards each other. Thus, some topics aroused here might be offensive. If you are afraid of taking this risk, I advice you to stop reading….now~~~ LOL!

The conversation was extremely long and so I will post the conversation in many entries…. I post this here just as an entertainment for myself and other family members but if you guys are willing to read it, thanks in advance..Hee^^~

P/S: klikli_disney is my sis and retro_zone87 is moi~~~ To make it easier… the lines in blue are me and those in red are my sis~

Basically, at first my sis was saying that she bought lots of merchandises of our favourite Kpop band, DBSK. It seems that there’s a new Korean store opened in town and she said that she’s going to bring me there when I’m back in Malaysia. Then the conversation continues…

klikli_disney: When u come back we go larr..
klikli_disney: U belanja me..

retro_zone87: why me belanja u? u belanja me la...
retro_zone87: must celebrate me coming maaa~
klikli_disney: Celebrate wut larr..
klikli_disney: I dee spent So much money wehh..
klikli_disney: U larr..
klikli_disney: I pokai dee..
retro_zone87: i more pokai here u know
retro_zone87: i go travel around europe
retro_zone87: no more chien lor~~

klikli_disney: Who ask u to go Travel here travel there larr??..
klikli_disney: Go so many place jorr..
klikli_disney: But never by things for me..
klikli_disney: hhmmphh..
retro_zone87: of course la
retro_zone87: i'm here dee maaa
retro_zone87: have to go travel
retro_zone87: u dont tipu me la
retro_zone87: i buy u so many stuffs edi~

Then we went on talking about Korean artist merchandises again when suddenly my sis said this…

klikli_disney: I MISs MICHAEL JACKSON!
retro_zone87: me tooooo!!!!!
retro_zone87: he die edi jorrr~~
retro_zone87: so sad~~
klikli_disney: Yeah...
klikli_disney: POOR Him..

retro_zone87: eh i miss watching his videos with u and khalilah la~~
retro_zone87: now i dance sorg2 like cacat ony

klikli_disney: HAHAHA..My skUl summore got 2 people dance to His song jorrr.. BEAT IT!..
klikli_disney: DAMN NicE wehh..
retro_zone87: really arr??
klikli_disney: yeah..
retro_zone87: aiyoo..i so damn wanna see lar~
klikli_disney: My fren lorr..
retro_zone87: u record or not?
klikli_disney: NO..
klikli_disney: HAHAHHAHA
klikli_disney: MALAS jorr..
klikli_disney: She's form 5..
klikli_disney: Her name is Amelia Lim
klikli_disney: HEHEHE..

retro_zone87: ur fren fm 5?
klikli_disney: Yeah..
klikli_disney: She's My ex-sergeant wutt

retro_zone87: so cekap ar u.... got fren senior summore
klikli_disney: Aloo..I got ALOt FORM 5 and Form 4 Frens k..
klikli_disney: But Form 4 lagi banyak larr..
klikli_disney: Coz my sergeant marr

retro_zone87: waaa.... u so damn popular meh??
klikli_disney: NO arh..
klikli_disney: Where got?..

retro_zone87: good2.. u continue my legacy der ar..
retro_zone87: hahaha

We kept on blabbering until my sis brought up an issue that is very common is girls schools….

klikli_disney: Eh..
klikli_disney: I tell u a secret..

retro_zone87: wat?
klikli_disney: Got 2 form Ones admire me..
klikli_disney: WTH???>.
klikli_disney: STUPid they all
klikli_disney: S*** they all larr..

retro_zone87: aiyer~~~ i oso got la
retro_zone87: ask me to be godsis summore

klikli_disney: YEAH!
klikli_disney: EXACTLY!
klikli_disney: U Accept or wut?..

retro_zone87: no la
retro_zone87: i prefect
retro_zone87: cannot have godsis

klikli_disney: Then me??..
klikli_disney: Ur wan is chinese or Malay?
klikli_disney: My wan BOTH oso Chinese..
retro_zone87: mine? chinese got, malay oso got
retro_zone87: eyh, i tell u ar... u better dun accept

klikli_disney: Y?..
retro_zone87: so mar fun wan
retro_zone87: menyusahkan

klikli_disney: Menyusah kan meh??..
retro_zone87: ya la... seriously mar fun lor...
retro_zone87: they all go clingy on u, u know
retro_zone87: so rimas~
retro_zone87: no need to accept lor~

klikli_disney: ooookkk..
klikli_disney: I Ikut cakap u larr..

retro_zone87: they just wan to look got coz they have senior godsis
klikli_disney: Aiyyer..
klikli_disney: Stupid They all!
klikli_disney: I HATE THEM!

retro_zone87: hahahaha~~~
klikli_disney: But they all so popular in skul..
retro_zone87: popular?
klikli_disney: All oso know them..
klikli_disney: Got summore people jealous..
klikli_disney: Coz They admire me..

retro_zone87: hahahahaha~~~
retro_zone87: aiyerr.. i laughing loudly edee now~~
klikli_disney: Y larr..
retro_zone87: teringat my zaman muda2
retro_zone87: very the high school ok

klikli_disney: Tiz is serious k.. WUT larr..
retro_zone87: dis is d problem la...especially we all went to girls school
retro_zone87: eyh i tell u ar

klikli_disney: wut?
retro_zone87: u better listen to me
klikli_disney: yaya..
retro_zone87: i got eat more garam than u ok
klikli_disney: WUT?..
retro_zone87: if u go so rapat2 with juniors or seniors ar
retro_zone87: or if u have godsis kan..
retro_zone87: sumtimes ar.. ppl will say u lesbo ok
retro_zone87: mwahahaha~~

klikli_disney: Wut larr..
retro_zone87: u better be careful ar
klikli_disney: true meh?..
retro_zone87: i was prefect maa... got handle so many cases edi
klikli_disney: Summore got people terlampau admire they print the girl's photo worr..
klikli_disney: SO WEIRD!

retro_zone87: see... paranoid la those ppl~
retro_zone87: like stalker ony~
retro_zone87: cacat otak

klikli_disney: HAHAH
klikli_disney: AGREE
retro_zone87: scary worr~
klikli_disney: Scary meh?..
klikli_disney: I juz Biasa oni..

retro_zone87: scary lar.. if they really become like stalker ar.. aiyerrr~~ cannot imagine lorrr

End of Part 1~~~~~


Unknown said...


bila aku baca post ko ni, tringat kat kwn2 chinese kelas aku. mcm ni la aku ckp dgn diorg. hbs tunggang langgang. keep up the manglish. it's authentic.

Adlina said...

Lol, lesbo XD Mane part 2, mane???? Sakit perot aku gelak.

p.s/ Word verification cakap 'tedut'. Apekah?

amirah said...

... Cintailah bahasa anda.

Tapi, sungguh LOL. Oh, betul eh, kalau ade godsis kena label lesbo. Ke girls' school je?

Part 2, part 2...

Ka-E said...

khirol: authentic! hahaha~

intan: sat gi aku post part 2.. tedut? apakah itu?

mira: btol2.. cintailah bahasa anda... jgn la ckp mcm ni kat murid2.. lol~~ lesbo tu.. btol la... kalo kat girls school la.. mmg byk masalah lesbo~

Anonymous said...

ka-e, i so like dis post! next time, maybe we can try talking like this in da house ke, or ym kew... kalau ckp pasal rumput mcm ni, mesti bes, kan? X'P

Ka-E said...

fizah: hahaha.. thank you2~ part 2 coming up~~ hahaha.. ckp like dis dgn u ke? see first la.... must got feel wan u knoe~~ hahaha~