Wednesday, 20 August 2008



Alhamdulillah..just had my dinner and it was the best! Wanna know what I had for dinner? Rice (of course!!) with 'Sambal Ikan Keli' and 'Cheese & Onion Ommelette'. Can you believe that? Having sambal ikan keli for dinner right here in It's a long story actually. Here goes..

A few weeks ago, Nadhia, Syaz & I went to the city for some grocery shopping. As usual we went to the continental shop tu buy halal meat and spices. That day, we went to the conti shop and open the freezer to check out some beef and chicken. To our surprise, there were also many selections of frozen fish. We decided to buy one packet of it even though we didn't know what type of fish it was because of the packaging and the fact that it was 'wrapped' with ice! However, from the picture on the packet, we can see that it's just a normal fish and it looked okay...

So, the fish was kept in our freezer until this evening when Syaz was craving to eat 'nasi' with some 'lauk'. She defrosted the fish and we finally got to see how the fish look like and OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There were 4 pieces of 'ikan keli' (don't know what they're called in inside the packet!! And to make it worst... They're not yet cut & cleaned!! I was like..

"WTH!!! Sesungut melekat lagi beb.. geli siot!!!"

I tried to lift the package from the sink and then I saw the 'sesungut' (antenna) moving.... (as in moving in the water from the defrosted ice.. the fish are already DEAD, believe me). I was so damn shocked, disgusted & 'geli' at the same time that I jumped, threw back the packet into the sink and screamed while running out of the kitchen!! *rotfl* I even hit some plates on the rack beside the sink!! Luckily they did not!

All of my housemates couldn't even look at the fish and we all screamed and laughed at the same time...then we realised that we actually had one problem. Who's going to clean the fish?? Suddenly, Nadhia said,

"Call mane2 umah bdk laki mintak tolong." LOL!!

Yup, we decided to call the boys' house and ask for their help. Syaz called Basir's house and he said that he'll come. Yay!!!! So, Basir & Ariff came to our house to help clean the fish. It was so disgusting especially when Ariff pulled out all the 'isi perut' from the fish's stomach (that's what Syaz said coz I was already in my room at that time, avoiding to look at those fish being cut. I knew I would throw It was kinda embarassing actually having the boys laugh at our reaction after looking at the 'ikan keli'..lmao.

After the boys went back, Syaz & Fiza, being our chef for today, cooked the fish and made an ommelette. They turned out to be one of the most delicious meals we ever had here in Plymouth. So, thanks to Basir and Ariff for helping us with cleaning and cutting the fish (we gave them some of the cooked 'ikan keli')and thank you to Syaz and Fiza for cooking those mouth-watering dishes! You guys are the best!!!

These are the pics of our meal tonight!:


The Stars-of-The-Day (The ikan keli brothers)
Sambal Ikan Keli
P/S: Now I remember..Ikan keli is catfish in


Chesse & Onion Ommelette

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