I went to another Iftar Jam'ie yesterday. This time, it was organised by the Syrian students. It was the best Iftar Jam'ie because....... they served food from the Middle East! To tell you the truth, I am a BIG fan of Middle Eastern food. Teringat plak kat Nasi Bukhari Mak Tam time raya dulu. So, here are some of the pictures taken from the event. Sorry for the bad quality 'coz most of the pictures were taken using a left hand by a right-handed person. Right Syaz?~~ Keke..
It was a buffet and this was where the food were. I love every single dish that they prepared! And what's better was that they ordered Lamb Briyani and Naan Bread from 'Nawroz'! (a Kurdish restaurant in the city which I'll definitely go every weekend.. LOL! Sampai manager dia pon dah kenal.. Hehe~)
This is the lamb soup from Nawroz! Yummy~ Terubat gak rindu nak makan kat situ time2 puasa nih..
This was how our plates look like~ Love the salad! And look at the lamb. One piece was like THAT BIG! We need another plate just to put the lamb. Kenyang seyh~ Besar btol appetite org Arab nih.. Hihi..
This was interesting. It was rice and meat wrapped in some kinda leaf~ err.. don't know what it's called. Forgot to ask them.. Hehe.. It taste kinda sour though..but I love it!
Abg Faiz took this picture. He didn't even give a hint that he was gonna press the button. Tau2 dah snap gambar. Everyone was not really ready at this time.. Huhu~
Clockwise: Me, Syaz, Fiza, Nadhia, Tiku, Kak Syue, KB & Mira..
Clockwise: Me, Syaz, Fiza, Nadhia, Tiku, Kak Syue, KB & Mira..
1 comment:
ahhh that leaf-wrapped rice...
we've eaten eat before...
pakai daun anggur ke ape ntah..
hahaha not my favourite..lol
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